Sunday, November 9, 2008

Where's the pictures?

Ok, so we have had a mildly eventful week/weekend. Unfortunately, I have no pics due to my camera died and I realized all too late that my charger is MIA. (My mom located said charger last night after my sister moved some more stuff out, it was under a box she took, or else I would still have no idea where it was and really be starting to panic about what to do next. So my charger will be en route to Prescott via USPS tomorrow. THANKS MOM!)

Last week I finally gave in to my denial of the weather change and Abe and I went and bought Cole some warmer clothes! Until our excursion, the poor kid had 2 pairs of pants and two long sleeved shirts from my mom (THANKS AGAIN MOM!)

On Saturday I had a hospital check in time of 7:30 am for an MRI (more on the later) so my mom and grandparents came up (leaving their house at 5:00am!) to watch Cole for me- there is no way he would have lasted through that appt. (THANKS, AGAIN, YOU THREE)

After my appointment we went to the fabulous Old Navy Cold Snap Sale, where I picked up a few warmer items for myself, a new (and much needed) jacket for 50% off, and a few scarves and a beanie for Cole @ $1 each!!! I love that store! Cole even got my mom to buy him a new soccer ball to kick around (THANKS GRANDMA!) We then went to the mall, did a little more shopping (THANKS AGAIN MOM, AGAIN!) and went to lunch at Zeke's. Cole again saw the gumball machine, again threw a fit, so my mom bought him one(THANKS AGAIN GRANDMA), again he got blue, and again ended up with a blue mouth and fingers. However, Abe neglected to tell me last time, Cole does a little dance of anticipation as the gumball rolls down the spiral chute. It was hysterical (all in the vicinity were laughing). So, we got him another one, and we got another dance. I am hoping next time to get a video to post (and that my camera will be charged once more!)

Cole instantly fell asleep in the car after such excitement, and I persuaded my mom and Grandma to run to Joanns with me, because I decided I wanted to learn to crochet (for scarves and hats and such). Who knew picking out yarn could be so difficult! With my hooks and yarn purchased we headed home and the two of them gave me about a 30 second tutorial as they were walking out the door to head back to Phoenix (Thanks Mom and Grandma). I did not catch any of it! So after trying and trying and becoming extremely frustrated (I got the pattern off a podcast that I watched about 50 times and I just could not get what she was doing) I googled the different stitches and I have to say- I FIGURED IT OUT!!! I went through a skein and need to get another one (and then figure out how to connect them), but I must say, I'm fairly impressed with my progress on my first attempt! (just don't look at it too closely!) And, once I have my camera charged, I'll try to get pics and videos of everything!

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