Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This weekend...

This was a pretty busy weekend for us, sort of. After driving home Friday night, we drove back down Saturday morning to have breakfast with my mom for her birthday. In order to let Abe have a little extra sleep, and to pacify Cole till we got to Phoenix, he had a waffle and a cookie for breakfast.
He doesn't seem too upset about it though.

Sorry the lighting is not very good, but here's Cole 'helping' Grandma open her presents...
...which he proceeded to examine in detail and bang on the table.

Cole's nap later that day. This is his quintessential sleeping pose.
(Notice his sippy cup? This is the only picture I got of it before Abe took the label off- he was being helpful and I do appreciate it)

We took Cole to breakfast, again, on Sunday, and he was not having it. Again, to try and pacify him, Abe bought him a gumball (thanks to Old Navy, Cole thinks all gumball machines spit out bouncy balls) which he threw, split it open and decided it was worth tasting. His mouth and fingers were bright blue most of the day.

Here he is not tolerating being put in his car seat very well.

Succumbing to his sleepiness, if you click on the pic, you can really see his 'inner-Smurf'
After taking a trailer load of fire wood to Millie (Bob's widow), and hanging out at Tim and KT's for a while, we went four wheel driving in the state land behind our house so Abe could scope his deer. While he lusted over the one I spotted for him, I was able to get some great pics of the sunset. Here's one:

Pretty, ain't it?

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