Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nothing Much Going On...

So, there really hasn't been much going on here in the ol' mile high city (yes, we are that high and then some), but I feel like I should update every day, although that will never happen.

This weekend, Abe's dad, John, came to visit. He and Abe spent Saturday afternoon scoping mammals off the deck and then got up Sunday at the crack of dawn to check out said mammals in person. Saturday night we all went to the 'best sushi restaurant in town', although there are only 2 of them, so I don't think that's saying much. There was a 45 minute wait for sushi and Cole's patience is very thin,so while Abe and John got to hang out, I got to hang out with my little man. We walked up and down the shopping center, stopping at Blockbuster, Subway (to get me a drink), and Basha's- twice. When we got home, Cole had a great time hanging out with Gaga (what John goes by), and getting him to read his books. He also emptied John's pocket of his very fancy flashlight at which point Abe decided a less valuable play thing was in order. Abe remembered he had some glow-stick-style flares from his old job in he garage and Cole was smitten.
We all got a big kick out of when Cole finally figured out what giant glow sticks are good for:

He even took his glow stick in the tub with him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe somebody can buy poor "Gaga" some new socks for Christmas.
Those brooks brothers ones just don't seem to last.