Thursday, November 20, 2008

Boy Oh Boy!

So, I have caught Cole up on the window sill in his playroom, but couldn't figure out how he was getting up there. Then I caught him:

What I love is how once he was up there he 'eh'-ed until I went and got him down. Well, no more, this morning I watched as his little brain figured out how to get down. I didn't get it on video, but know that he is now up and down all day long. That Little Tykes jungle gym I want to get him for Christmas is sounding better and better.

He was also a busy little boy today while I was picking up his play room (which was a disaster!!!) Once I had finished, I took him to his bedroom to change his pants and walked up on this. From his mumblings, I think he was pretty proud of his 'accomplishment'.

1 comment:

Rachel & Bobby said...

oh how i adore this child...he makes me laugh