Monday, June 1, 2009

A little of what we've been up to...

This won't be an elaborate post, just a quick update.

Cole playing in the park at playgroup. He loved this motorcycle, and would climb up on it by himself (it was nearly as tall as he was!)
A little girl at playgroup brought her doll and stroller. Cole and his friend, Drew, would take turns pushing the stroller while the other walked in his wake. It was too funny!

Sunday, Paula came to visit and we swung by Abe's bridge (which is quickly approaching completion!) Here's Abe and Cole checking it all out. (In the distance, you can just make out the Fann Yard, and Abe's office is just on the other side)

We had our first snake (well, at least that I've seen) on Sunday, also. It was just a baby bull snake (Abe said there was a full grown one in the storage space beneath the house, when we first moved in). I was just grateful it wasn't a rattler, our neighbor was in their front yard shooting at one with a pellet gun when Cole and I were out of town a few weekends ago.

That's pretty much it. Pretty uninteresting- sorry!

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