Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Cole!

June 2007
(Yes, he really did sleep like that, and yes, he sometimes still does!) June 2008
June 2009
(Doing his cheesy camera smile!)
I still can't believe my little boy turned two yesterday! (and I commend my husband and myself for getting him there!) Two years is really such a small amount of time, yet it feels like he's been a part of our lives forever! He is such a joy and I spend the majority of my day in fits of laughter at his antics- that is, of course, when I am not in fits of displeasure at some of his other antics. Like, yesterday, we started out the morning with a "beautiful art project." Now, Cole did not get in trouble for this because a) it was his birthday and b) I had forgotten to get rid of the darned calligraphy ink after the last episode! Although, this time he was much more creative and dipped a foam brush into the pot and proceeded to "paint" the mirrors. He was so proud and I only realized what had happened once he became distressed at the ink on his fingers and came to show me. Oh well!

We didn't have much going on yesterday, our speech guy cancelled on us (again!) because he had family in town, so I took Cole to In-N-Out for a burger and chocolate shake!

I also managed to talk Abe into taking Cole to Macayos for dinner (after our last breakfast episode, I didn't think he would, but finally he agreed). Cole loves chips and salsa, and I was hoping they would maybe sing to him (he would've loved that). But, I think, due to the fact that there were literally like two waitresses working, the singing was a no go. Oh well! He'll get sung to at his party this weekend!
Can you tell Cole takes his chips and salsa seriously? He even took the salt shaker and dusted his chips (I'm going to blame the observation of that bad deed on one of my siblings, though I'm not sure which one, cause I'm pretty sure they all do it)

He was certainly hamming it up last night, and he even started jamming out once we left the restaurant to the Jack Johnson song that was playing outside.

We haven't gotten his "big" birthday present yet (I know- we're pretty bad about doing things on time- but hopefully soon!) but we did take him to the store and let him pick out whatever he wanted. The garbage truck won (of course! He still has an unnatural obsession with garbage/garbage cans/ trucks, etc.) He was so excited! He has been saying "hi" and "bye" (his new word he started Sunday) to the stinking thing all day!

So overall, I think he had a great day (chocolate shakes, chips and salsa, garbage trucks- what more could a boy want?) It still makes me sad to think how much he's growing, and that he's becoming a little boy, and not my little baby anymore. Plus, I think with him not talking, it makes it more difficult to not keep thinking of him as my baby boy. A friend of mine said it best this morning- He is now a one year old with experience! And I don't think I could have summed him up better!

On a side note, it was also Dozer's birthday this past Friday (the 19th). I remembered on Saturday, so I was only a day late this year (that's the best I've done at remembering in at least 5 years! Poor dog!) He is now 8 years old. Again, so sad to think how much he's grown and all he has been through with us!

We also had a great Father's Day. Abe just wanted to stay home this year, so Cole and I woke up and made him breakfast burritos (complete with eggs, potatoes, onions, jalapenos, green chilies, bacon and of course, cheese) and then finished off the day with filet mignon, new york strip, and LOADED twice baked potatoes! Cole loves his dad so much, and we are so lucky that he is such the awesome guy that he is!


MrsDartt said...

It sounds like Cole had such a fun birthday! It's so amazing how fast they grow!

Savannah130 said...

Happy Brithday Cole! 2 years old, before you though it he will be in school!

Sheri N. said...

I love that first pic. Happy b-day cole!