Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas was good!

So, I haven't updated about Christmas yet, but for good reason. Just like I have a good reason for there being no pictures with this post. I got a new computer for Christmas!!! It was so very desperately needed (my old one was old! almost 7 years!) However, with a new computer comes a lot of work, good and necessary work, but work none the less. My dad and I are currently trying to transfer hard drive info (the reason for no pictures) and due to the state of the old computer, it has turned into quite a challenge. Oh well! Hopefully I'll have some pictures soon.

We had a great Christmas Eve. Played some games, opened Cole's Christmas PJ's, ate a ton, and just got to spend some good quality time with the fam. Christmas morning was wonderful, ate some more, opened presents, and then headed to Carefree to spend the rest of the day with Abe's folks. We had a great Christmas day, ate some more still, opened more gifts (I got a new set of desperately needed pots and pans), Cole had his first indulgence in M&Ms, and overall just had a great time being with the Geupel's.

We came home Christmas evening expecting snow (we were supposed to get quite a bit), instead came home to biting cold and horrendous wind. The wind actually kept Cole up for a while, but he finally gave in and managed to sleep through the howling. The rest of the weekend was fantastic, as Abe had the 4 day weekend off, so Cole and I got to spend some good quality time with him.

All in all it was a terrific Christmas! We hope all of you had a great one too!

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