Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I think I've figured it out

You know how every year on your birthday, everyone always asks if you feel any older? Well, my birthday was Monday, and I must say, I truly felt a year older. And I think I've figured out why.

For starters, I am truly bumping 30. At 28, I feel I have truly left that world of the carefree 20-something and entered the world run by early bedtimes, mother/housewife, finances, and wrinkle creams. For years I have read the magazine articles about preventing/fixing wrinkles, and have always thought "I'm too young to worry about that stuff", now realizing that I am EXACTLY the age that those articles are aimed at. (Have I started any 'anti-aging' regime?, you might ask-- heck no! I'm still in a state of denial here!) I am no longer the happy, go lucky, working with play money, girl I used to be, and honestly, I don't mind. Being a mom, and being able to stay home are more than worth my weekly shopping/pedicure/eating out days. (Although, an occasional venture into those days is appreciated.) And now that I no longer have my glorious cleaning people (yes, they would have made the top of my grateful list :)! ), I am really having to step up into the housewife role, which has been an adjustment, and I think help tack on time to my 'year older' matter.
And then, there is this little helper, who keeps me laughing, therefore keeps me young, but still adds on to my 'year' with things like no sleep (please, please, just 2 nights a week!), constant curiosity, and things like this:
what I found when I went to sort laundry yesterday. 4 balls and a potato head.

And this:
Cole had been a little too quiet, and upon investigation, I discovered he had commandeered my laundry baskets, pulled all his clothes out of his drawers (this seems to be a recurring activity), placed them in the baskets(because that's what he sees me do with his clean clothes), and then returned them to the drawers (wrong drawers of course). I have to admit, I clapped for him too. He's really into clapping for himself lately, and really into helping with laundry (even if I don't need help). (BTW- I know that this is not the absolute worst thing he could be doing, its just that about once a week, I have to go in his room and refold and organize all his drawers.But I wouldn't have it any other way!)
So, like I said, I think I've figured it out, and you know what? I am pretty darn proud of being (and feeling) a year older.

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