Saturday, February 28, 2009

Christmas in February

Cole finally got his Christmas present this morning. I promised his grandparents I'd post the video, since his gift was from all of them, too.

It's a long video, I know, but I wanted the grandparents to be able to share the moment. He immediately started throwing/rolling balls and cars up and down the slide.

And shortly after that, mastered all other aspects (including his telescope).

This was only his second or third attempt at climbing himself. I would be as bold as to say he has since mastered this feat, and has also realized, sans socks and holding on to the sides, he can walk up the slide!

Cole is having a blast! And even though we didn't get quite the reaction I thought we would due to him being SO sick, he is absolutely thrilled and has even had the opportunity to show off for friends. Thanks again grandparents!!! You have helped make this little boy so happy and entertained- at least for now!


Cherise said...

That looks super fun! My boys would love something like that!Very Cool!

Rachel & Bobby said...

I pretty much think this kid is the most adorable thing in the world. Everything he does is flipping cute.

Unknown said...

Hi Becky. Grandparent on "the Creek" sharing the moment. Thanks for the videos.