Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh the Drama!

So we have had another interesting week. It all started with our house drama. We had applied for the house in the woods and out of courtesy called our current landlord to fill him in on the situation. Abe told him that if our current homeowners were willing to match prices ($500 drop!) we would stay. We didn't hear from him for over a week and were literally taking the security deposit to the new PM company when the landlord called. He said our current owners really liked us, wanted to keep us as tenants and they could drop the price $450, and still be able to cover their expenses. After MUCH discussion, we decided to stay put since we still hadn't heard if the house in the woods would be available for purchase. Well, no sooner did we decide that, we got a phone call saying the woods' house was interested in selling. However, after much investigation, our realtor discovered that the woods' house owners were way in over their heads, and estimates their mortgage is about triple what they're asking for in rent. Not wanting to end up in a foreclosure situation on their part, we have decided to just drop our cute little house in the woods all together (although, I'm going to have the realtor keep an eye on it for if -and basically when- it goes into foreclosure.)

This weekend we also got to have my parents and brother and his girlfriend come to visit. We had a great time and are glad they made the journey up the hill to see us. (I've been really bad at taking pictures lately, so unfortunately I don't have any from this weekend.)

I also spoke with AzEIP again. They are coming with the speech pathologist on the 23rd to discuss our future action plan.

Yesterday, Cole and I had our MOMS Club' Spring Fling.' There were a ton of people (prob 15-20 moms, and at least 30 kids!) It was pot luck style, and I brought pretzel butterflies. We also had an egg hunt and each brought 12 eggs for the kids to 'find' (basically they just picked them up off the grass! They're little- what more could we expect!)

I put egg/chick shaped sidewalk chalk in my eggs. And the butterflies were a big hit! (and super easy to make!) The house we were at also had a new toy Cole fell in love with! I'm thinking Christmas this year or maybe even his birthday!

It was all fun and games, and then Cole got his finger smashed in the sliding glass door. OH THE DRAMA!!! Granted, it was bleeding pretty good, and looks like it hurt pretty bad, but the kid is still soaking up all the sympathy he can get!

Now, I know I should feel sorry, and I really do, but he is being pretty pathetic over the whole thing! He has made me kiss that stinking finger about 300 times (at least he correlates kisses with comfort, I wasn't sure if he would at this age). Last night as I was giving him his nightly kisses and putting him in bad he whimpered (pathetically) and held up his finger for me to kiss again, and realized the band-aid wasn't even on that hand! There was a look of confusion on his face, he held up the other hand, saw the band-aid this time, and began whimpering again! This was his first band-aid worthy injury and I guess it truly is just more than his sensitive little soul can handle. Don't worry, we're contemplating ways of toughening the kid up! (Just kidding Grandmas!)

All in all, things are well, and we are currently enjoying the prospect of not having to move and still saving a ton of money a month (things could still change AGAIN, but for now, we're happy where we are)

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