After being ridiculously cramped for 10 minutes, Abe decided it was better to find an alternative way out versus the way he had gone in (plus he had to repair the damage he caused to the cargo net upon entry).
Cole also decided to channel my little brother last night (walking around with his pants sagging and his little booty hanging out.)
After such climber excitement, the two boys (and I mean BOYS) played a rousing game of 'Which hand's it in?
We all had quite a weekend! It started with it snowing the better part of Saturday. Unfortunately, the snow didn't stick, but a few times it looked like it was snowing snowballs, the clusters were so big! We woke up Sunday to an unnaturally (to us, anyway) chilly Easter Morning, but the Easter Bunny did not disappoint (and Cole miraculously slept till 7:45- after I was up with him for about 3 hours in the middle of the night).
Little did Cole know that the Easter Bunny would still visit 3 more times that day!
First at Gaga and PG's house:
After a fun filled morning with Geupel's and watching Mickelson and Woods lose spectacularly at the Masters, we headed to Easter destination #2, and the Bunny's #3 and #4 visits.
At my parents house Cole got 2 Easter surprises and another egg hunt:
After a long day, and some good food, we made our way back up the hill. Cole was so exhausted he pulled his coat over his lap (it was still in the car from our snowy Saturday) and passed out Shortly after he lost his coat, and completely slumped over in exhaustion. Let me tell you, once we got home, getting him ready for bed and down for the night was quite a job and a miserable one at that!
All in all, we had a great holiday and got to spend some good quality time with family and friends (although it seems, now we live away from everyone, its never long enough). And wouldn't you know, the thing Cole wanted the most when he woke up Of Course!!!
Here's a little video of Cole "hunting" eggs at our house
Sorry the quality isn't great. Like I said, Abe did it and his camera/video quality isn't always great, but its still funny all the same! Yes, that is Dozer growling (he had a rawhide chip) and Cole having a blast torturing/teasing him. Abe and I enjoyed it, too!
I put egg/chick shaped sidewalk chalk in my eggs. And the butterflies were a big hit! (and super easy to make!) The house we were at also had a new toy Cole fell in love with! I'm thinking Christmas this year or maybe even his birthday!
It was all fun and games, and then Cole got his finger smashed in the sliding glass door. OH THE DRAMA!!! Granted, it was bleeding pretty good, and looks like it hurt pretty bad, but the kid is still soaking up all the sympathy he can get!