After about an hour of searching, some of us feeling that we would end up on the 5 o'clock news as missing hikers, and me getting very lost, we gave up, and all went home none the richer. We actually are still questioning the accuracy of Abe's story, due to coming across some other hunters as we were leaving who said they came across a deer that sounded similar to Abe's supposed kill,in the same vicinity, who looked completely unscathed (of course, they were extremely intoxicated, so who knows)
Afterward, we came home and laughed a whole lot more, especially while quoting the crazy, angry lady at lunch, made some food and did some wii bowling. I actually won one round once we decided to play for money, although the guys never paid up. We had a great weekend overall, and really enjoyed having friends to visit. Anyone else want to head to the high country?
Besides the weekend's events, Cole has been in rare form. He is constantly up to no good, and is becoming quite vocal about getting and not getting his way (he's still not forming any real words, but trust me, he's vocal!) The other day while getting ready, I heard an unfamiliar clinking of ice cubes, only to turn around and find this:
A few days prior to that, I heard nothing, only to find Cole had once again gotten a hold of lipstick. Of course he was gouging it out with his fingers, and this time he also got a hold of a pair of manicure scissors (YIKES!) and used them to gouge out what his fingers could no longer reach. I must say, as covered in lipstick as he was, I was very impressed at how expertly he managed to get it on his lips! He's been really in to chapstick lately, so I'm sure that's helped with his application technique.
I also haven't posted a video lately, so if you scroll down and pause/stop the music this little beauty will be much more entertaining!
He is starting to be such a boy (minus the lipstick of course!) He thinks bodily emissions are hysterical (before I shot this, he was actually the one that had burped first, and when Abe did it back, he just kept trying to respond, so I grabbed my camera) Boy, oh boy, I'm in trouble!
BTW- It's been snowing for about the last hour and a half, and is just now starting to stick! We may get some more winter after all! (the last few weeks, its felt like spring!)