Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My LONG week in Phoenix

I am in Phoenix this week (Sat 10/11-Sun 10/19) because my sister Rachel is getting married on Sat. the 18th. I came down early to get the family's hair done and help out with wedding stuff where possible. I figured while I was coming into town I would also cram in getting the dog groomed, Cole's 15 month appt., my crop/card swap party, and getting my hair done! So rather than drive back and forth a bunch I am staying here the entire week!
Since I am not on my home computer I'm not posting pictures now, but I will have a lot of pictures come next week.

Abe and I also took Cole to the "pumpkin patch" in Chino Valley on Saturday before I came down. It was a good time but cost way more than I had anticipated. It wasn't that it was expensive, they just charged you to do anything! It was $2 here and $3 dollars there and before we knew it we had blown through like $30 in about 45 minutes! Cole had a blast though, so that's all that matters! Pictures to come later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, Cole is so darn cute. I love looking at pictures and hearing updates :) Jill :)