Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Back from my LONG LONG LONG week and catching up...

We finally made it back, and I'm still trying to get all of us back on track. But, first things first, I have a few pics from the last week.
First are from the Pumpkin Patch

Cole definitely was not to sure at first, and then he took off like a mad man running through the "patch"

Cole and me picking out a pumpkin for him

Abe and Cole going into the petting zoo.

Again, Cole wasn't too sure about the petting zoo, but he finally decided to touch this pig.

Then here is quick pic from my card swap. We had a blast as always! Cole enjoyed himself, too, taking shovel-fuls of sand and dumping them around the backyard. He tried bringing a few into the house but we were able to just stop him.

Here are all the ladies working hard. This was an abnormally small turn out, but it was nice because we were all able to catch up, gossip, tell lies, eat, drink, and be merry.

Here are the cards we all made and swapped. (Mine's the bottom middle)

Here are our make 'n' takes. Jeni (the hostess) always comes up with such cute ideas and fun little projects for us. I'm sad I don't get to make it to more of these things, but I'm trying!

The rest of my week was pretty much devoted to wedding/decorating excitement. My parent's, Cole and I were at the Nielsen's (the home where the reception was at) pretty much every night except one night when we helped my sister move some clothes to her new apartment. I was so frustrated and exhausted and extremely busy for that matter, that I didn't get too many pics from all this fun, but here are a few I did get from different events.

Cole goofing off.

Cramming egg rolls in his mouth at the Groom's dinner.

The happy couple, Rachel and Bobby.

Me and Cole, my parents and Cousin Mindy, Aunt Paula, and Aunt Stella
Rachel and Bobby leaving the temple. She looked so beautiful!
Cole looking sharp, and looking to go home.
It was a beautiful Arizona October day, with the temp reaching about 96 (can you sense the sarcasm?). Since we were outside for about 5 hours straight in the blazing sun, I couldn't punish Cole for being the smart one and splashing in the fountain. He would put his hands against the fountain and the water would just run down his arms and soak him. He was still soaked when he woke up from his nap just before the reception started. Oh well! Boys will be boys!
That's it for pictures. I'll try to get more from my brother. Overall, things went well. And I think I can speak for all involved when I say I'm glad that its all over.

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