Monday, November 10, 2008


Okay- so it was a pretty lame snow fall, but hey, it still snowed! Not only that but it was still there when I woke up this morning. All the roofs around us were covered in white. It was pretty neat, and me, still without my camera.

Fortunately, Abe had gotten home from his hunting/Ranch weekend, so we were able to get a few shots last night with his camera.
The first glimpse. Abe noticed our 'snowfall' when he went to let Dozer out.
Cole had had some snow placed on his hand, and he was very much trying to get it off.
He is definitely a Phoenician (thus far)!

Abe's work truck and the rocks out front. Not too bad for a November snow fall.

This is the top of the railing on the front porch. It looks to me like we may have gotten as much as a 1/2 inch!!!
So- I had hoped I would be able to catch our first snow fall on camera with the snow actually falling, but we were completely oblivious to Mr. Winter on our roof! Maybe next time! Can you believe it though? Snow, in Prescott, in November! WOW! I'm in for a major winter change! Adios days of winter with a high of 60, hello snow!

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