Friday, November 14, 2008

My Favorite Time of Day

So, my favorite time of day (well, one of them) would have to be when I go in to get Cole after his morning nap. He will start 'crying' to let me know he's awake, but its usually just for show. When I go in I am greeted by a huge smile and then we just hang out in his room, for a couple of reasons:

1) I usually still have to get him dressed.
2) His room is by far the warmest room in the house during the day, and its nice to defrost a little (about 76 degrees compared to the chilly 62 degrees in my room-but by night time his room some how becomes the coldest room in the house-weird!)
3) The sunshine streaming in his bedroom window
4) He is typically in a fantastic mood after his nap, and just wants to run around in circles and read a few books (I have banned toys from his room, so all that is in there are his books-he really loves his books, though!)

Today, I was able to get a few pics and just wanted to share:

I stand him on the crib every time I take him out. He thinks its pretty cool to be as tall as me. Today, he fell off moments after this picture was taken. No worries though, I caught him!

He got in his closet and pulled out his travel wipes. I made him put them away. (see video below)All those books on the floor are books he has pulled out. He will disappear and I find him in his room rummaging through and 'reading' all his books!

<- I was looking at this picture and thought he looked abnormally tall, then I realized he was up on his tippy toes- another new favorite skill he has mastered.
Here he is with one of his many goofy faces
<- And then his hand instantly went down his pants- of course!

Here he was trying to get his sippy cup out of his crib. He got pretty frustrated and decided his books looked like more fun.

Here he is putting his wipes away. Notice how turns to make sure I am watching!

Here is another classic. He jsut started doing this consistently yesterday. I love how he gets distracted and then when I remind him what we are doing, he replies with his inaudible words and nods his head like 'Oh yeah'


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this blog!
He is so very, very cute and he's my grandson!
Hugs and love to all.