We have had several more snow storms, and are expecting another this weekend. Cole absolutely LOVES the "no" and especially "no baus" aka snow balls. That is, until his dad pegged him in the face with one. Seriously, it was up his nose, down his throat, a full on annihilation- totally on accident of course! Now Cole always talks about "no bau, my eyes, my nose, my mouf, ow" It's pretty funny.
Cole is still passing out regularly in the funniest locations. Here I caught him with the Cheetos and his face and hands were totally cheese covered.
Abe and I also took Cole to the Prescott Fire Departments 125th Anniversary Celebration (its the oldest fire dept. in AZ). Cole was in heaven! There were trucks and firemen everywhere (so, Mom didn't think it was too shabby, either! haha) Cole brought his own fire hat and held onto it for dear life, since every time Dad would convince him he could let it go, it would blow off his head!
This is his favorite location to crash- in his car seat! Hey- it was a tough day saying hi to all those firemen!
We also met with Cole's preschool, and he was accepted! He will start August 9 and go 3 days a week. He will have speech therapy while in school and they will even provide a bus if I would like (its a short bus, with built in car seats.) I have to go and meet with them again at the end of April to do "goal planning" (I've said it before, a bit ridiculous in the red tape department) but we are just so thankful that he will be able to go to such a quality preschool, get the help he needs, and it won't cost us a thing! Of course, since he has been accepted he has been talking an unbelievable amount, though I know by comparison, he is still pretty behind. But at the same time, it is so amazing to watch his progression.
We then made a trip to the Ranch this past weekend. It was Cole's second time, though it was really more like his first cause he was able to enjoy it so much more this time. The one drawback with this Ranch trip was getting there. With all the rain and snow, the river is too high to cross, and the very scary rim road is, well, very scary, so we had to take the back-back-way, which meant 3 1/2 hours of ROUGH dirt road (normally its only 2 1/2 or so) To kill the time, I bought a set of "dad's wook twucks" which I would give to Cole periodically along the way. It worked!
Here is one of our breaks/stops on the way in. (Don't mind Cole's outfit, he picked out his clothes that day. Abe actually asked if I wanted to change him before we left. I figured we were just going to the Ranch, and besides, Cole was so proud of his outfit!)
Once we were all settled, and had eaten dinner, we were hanging by the fire barrel on the patio and Abe noticed this...
Cole wasted no time playing in the dirt with his new trucks! Sporting Dad's head lamp and all!
The Ranch was in its prime. Virtually no bugs (one of my personal peeves of the Ranch), the fruit trees were blooming, not too hot, though it was a little windy.
With those conditions, a few more fruit trees were given a home in the lower orchard. Cole was a BIG help!
At least we had been outfitting Cole with his helmet.
Here he is with his "uncle" Tim, posing for the camera
Cole even got to work the levers and knobs and dumped a few loads at the Ranch dump.
getting some Mom QT
Getting some dad QT
The whole gang at the fire barrel.
Both mornings we went and walked around the pond and quacked at the ducks.
I'm telling you, if there is a place greater than heaven, my little outdoorsy boy was there!
Cole was so filthy he got an extra long bath. His face has scrapes (from when he ran into a downed tree running away from Dad), his knees are bruised. His hands are full of slivers and splinters, but that little boy wants nothing more than to go back. I hear several times a day "da wanch, bakoos, dit bikes, twackoos, nakes my butt" Looks like I will be heading to the Ranch a lot more from now on, which as long as the camper is there and there aren't 40+ people, will be fine with me.
Cole slept that entire night when we got home (a HUGE deal for us!) and I think he was still so tired, I found him here...
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