For starters- Cole still refuses to take naps, which in turn causes me to panic while frantically running around the house looking for him, only to find him in places like this:
We had a visit from Gaga, my mom and grandparents came up one Saturday, and we also made a trip or two into Phoenix.
We also have made countless visits to Fuddruckers (which opened recently up here and is known around our house as "" )

After his hunting excursion, when Grandma and Great Grandma were visiting, they found it only appropriate to outfit Cole in camo like Dad, along with his new "boots" that Abe and I got him. He's ready to go!

In the midst of all this, Cole has had two evaluations and a hearing test. He did fine on his hearing test (which we knew he would) and I am still waiting to find out how he did on the two evals. Then I will meet with the preschool and my coordinator to see if he qualifies for the developmental preschool. While he is talking a lot more, he is still way behind for his age in language (like 6-12 months, I think) so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will accept him and he can get the help he needs to catch up. 
Abe thought the dirt bike would be fun in the snow, Cole enjoyed Dad riding, and was pretty bummed out when he didn't get to ride too (we didn't think it was too safe for him this time in all the slickness.)

This was Friday afternoon. We had gotten 8 inches of snow Thursday morning, which got washed away by 3+ inches of rain. It was crazy and oh so enjoyable (who would've ever thought that I would say that!?!)
Dozer got in on the fun too, though he would chicken out often and have to be "rescued"- of course, who could blame him? He would completely disappear in our footprints! Love the snow dingleberries!
Cole thought helping Dad shovel snow was awesome! Notice the tongue sticking out in concentration!
Sporting Dad's gloves
This is Jack. He was the snowman we built Sunday morning. Cole loved Jack!

Then I think Cole thought Jack was a vampire and impaled him in the heart with what was going to be the nose! We laughed and he got embarrassed.
Cole also got a super cool new toy from the neighbors (they had 3 and decided Cole could use one!) (which, by the way, does not drive in snow well. haha)
After Jack's impalement, and utter demise in the sunny front yard...Cole and I built Jack #2 in the backyard yesterday. He is still standing, but the sun claimed his face this morning. Oh well!
Cole got to go on one of Dad's and Gaga's hunting excursions- and took his "gun" in case he saw a pig (insert snorting noises- since that is how Cole refers to pigs)

After his hunting excursion, when Grandma and Great Grandma were visiting, they found it only appropriate to outfit Cole in camo like Dad, along with his new "boots" that Abe and I got him. He's ready to go!
In the midst of all this, Cole has had two evaluations and a hearing test. He did fine on his hearing test (which we knew he would) and I am still waiting to find out how he did on the two evals. Then I will meet with the preschool and my coordinator to see if he qualifies for the developmental preschool. While he is talking a lot more, he is still way behind for his age in language (like 6-12 months, I think) so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will accept him and he can get the help he needs to catch up.
We also, like the rest of AZ, got hammered with weather last week. Including about 5 1/2 inches total of rain and a good 2 1/2 feet or so of snow...which has kept us (well, Abe really) busy clearing snow, sliding around in our cars (I actually was sliding on ice this morning still!) and giving us plenty of opportunity to play! I'm not going to caption all the pictures- they're kind of obvious, but I will point out a few favorites...
So that's it for January. I did try to resign from my position as President of MOMS Club, but my supervisor has temporarily talked me out of it (long story). Abe was hunting every weekend, but sadly, to no avail. Dozer is quickly making himself eligible for sedatives (he's so spastic, it is making us loopy!) and Cole is, as ever, making us laugh, making us crazy and overall just making life perfect! We're pretty lucky!
did you get a new table?
cute! That snow looks like so much fun!
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