Monday, December 15, 2008


Well, thanks to the contaminated person that contaminated my husband, I am now contaminated with what can only be described as a whopper of a head cold. So, while we had a very event-full weekend, I will be posting on it later, due to the incessant pounding of my head and need to not concentrate on anything more than my OTC drugs (thank you Tylenol Severe Head Cold and NyQuil! Especially NyQuil!) and trying to make sure my little one stays out of as much trouble as possible. These two things are pretty much exhausting any energy I thought I had. Here's to not contaminating my little guy, although I'm not sure how to avoid it at this point, and looking forward to my few hours of drug induced sleep I will try to get this evening.


And a Happy Birthday to my Bro-in-law, Ben, if he reads this!

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