Monday, September 28, 2009

Touch A Truck

Saturday, I took Cole to the Touch A Truck event in Prescott Valley. Basically, it was a little boy's paradise. They had everything from fire trucks and semis, to construction trucks and a military grade Hummvee. Of course, there was Cole's personal favorite- the garbage trucks. They had the trucks set up for the kids to climb around, play on, and honk the horns.

I can't even begin to tell you the squeals, gasps, and giggles I heard from the backseat as I pulled up to the event to park. Then, once Cole realized we were headed to the very spot where all these trucks were, he was beside himself. Marching his little legs and swinging his arms with such determination, headed for the glory of all glories (the garbage truck) with the greatest of anticipation, until, about two feet from the back of the truck, some stinkin' kid blasted the air horn! Cole jumped a mile high, latched on to my leg, and spent the rest of the morning with a death grip on my finger.
I did manage to get him into the garbage truck, briefly, and had to snap this picture quick, before he did his leap to safety into my arms!His little pointer finger was going a mile a minute, and as we were leaving, the Waste Management folks made his day/week/month/year! We walked up to their table and I explained to them how, as much as he loves garbage trucks, his true obsession lies with garbage cans. You know what, they gave him a miniature Waste Management garbage can, complete with lid and wheels (his two favorite parts!) Let me tell you, that little boy did not drop that can for hours! It was the first thing he wanted when he awoke from his nap, the first thing he went for Sunday morning, you get the idea. He instantly (and I mean, in the car, on the way home) figured out that his new garbage can was ideal for holding beverages (he poured half his cream soda, which he got as a "prize" for getting all the "trucks" signatures, into the can, and then drank from it!), it was an even better location for his sandwich and snacks, and best when used to carry cars! He was so proud to show it to his dad the next day, and it just absolutely has thrilled him beyond all belief.
The only thing that would have made it better is if Abe had gone with us (he was in Phoenix for the day), because Abe could have helped him get in and out of trucks, shared in the excitement, etc. All in all, I think he had a great time- minus the air horns, of course!

1 comment:

Dara and Steve said...

Hey Becky! Good to see you back on here and blogging again. Hey, how do you get such cute backgrounds on your page? And insert different pictures throughout your layout? Sounds like you've been keeping busy with Cole and mom stuff! Hope all is well!