- Cole has been sick at least 6 more times- no joke. He has had two more stomach bugs (and successfully can make it to the toilet in time now- yea!) and 4 colds/respiratory infections- he's actually battling the latest one as we speak. This has meant lots of whining, sleepless nights, and trips to Urgent Care. After my last trip to UC when the doctor lectured me for no less than 45 minutes about when it is/is not appropriate to take your child to the doctor (the kid was running a 103.7 fever and complaining of "bugs in his ears"- I'm not that neurotic), what tests are/are not appropriate for diagnosis (this case, spinal tap is not necessary- really? jeez, couldn't have figured that one out on my own) and the benefits of socialized medicine in Germany- I've decided driving back to his pediatrician in Scottsdale (when possible) is totally necessary. Next year- I am NOT forgetting to get this kid a flu shot! (I'm totally blaming this rash of illnesses on that!)
- We celebrated the big 3 holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years)and in between I turned 30 (BLECH!) Cole, of course, made out like a mad man, again! This year was SO FUN with him though, cause he totally 'got' the whole Santa thing, so Santa made sure to get everything on his little wish list! Abe's parents even came up and stayed the night Christmas Eve (my parents came up and took us to breakfast Christmas Eve morning) and got to experience the whole thing. It really was a lot of fun this year!
- Cole and I survived his first Winter Break (barely) During his two weeks off, he got his second stomach virus, which totally interrupted my plan of potty training during break.
- We POTTY TRAINED! I thought it would end up being the end of both of us. I have to say (after a tip from my mom of making him clean up his own messes) he's now a pro. I don't have to remind him, or ask if he needs to go- he just does it! It's been great not having to change diapers any more! LOVE IT!
- We also have had several snow storms (FINALLY!- it took until the week of Christmas before we got ANYTHING!- which for this neck of the woods, is pretty rare)
This was Cole's first snowman of the season- he added that protruding nose himself! He was so proud!
Fortunately, our big storms were over winter break (finally, something to keep the Cole-man entertained!), so we didn't have to deal with Snow Days (yes, those exist in AZ!)
The first storm, we got about 6-8 inches, which we were pretty excited about- of course, it melted pretty quickly.Then, a few days after Christmas, we got the storm of our lives. Now I know some of you that live north of AZ, would probably find our 'little storm' pretty lame- but for this born and bred Phoenician, it was awesome!
This was our backyard. I would say we even got a few more inches after that. I think we ended in the 18-20 inch range, which was record breaking for these parts.
- With all that snow, its been cold. Like, we've even been below zero. Single digits plenty of times. Which means, we have been BURNING through propane. 700+ gallons to be exact (since October!) For those of you wanting to do the math- don't, it may make you nauseous- it does me! It also makes me MORE than angry- we were not in the least bit told this could be the case. With that being said...
- We are more than planning on a move out of here. I'm already looking (which is a bit premature, but I picked this place, so I feel more than a little responsible to try to make it better) We definitely do NOT want to move again, but when your heating costs are this astronomical, it doesn't make sense to stay. We even offered to buy/install a wood stove (can you believe there isn't one?) and were told we could discuss it again in the summer (a whole lotta good that will do us!). Guess two and a half foot thick walls aren't that efficient after all!
- I also have made several trips to PHX and Abe has gone on hunting trips. This normally probably wouldn't fall in the "stressful" range, except I always have great anxiety while driving south. (Again, I may have a problem) I always get anxious of the drivers around me- I don't trust anyone, nor their driving- especially semis- on those windy, twisting roads, going so fast. Which also means I worry about Abe when he's out. He has also been working on jobs all over the state- again, I worry!
- I have also been dealing with one of those "everything I'm involved with seems to go wrong" periods in my life. Ever have those? I ordered the parts for Cole's "big boy" bed conversion (he has one of those cribs) and after waiting more than a month (and him sleeping on an air mattress) they arrived, and were the wrong color. Come to find out, they discontinued his color YEARS ago. Its really not that big of a deal (you barely notice them) but that was on top of buying the mattress set for his new bed, and then finding out we didn't need the "set" just the mattress- and of course, no refunds, store credit only. And to top that all off, I bought a ridiculous amount of fabric to make him a quilt for his new bed, spent an absurd amount of money, and then prewashed (which I never do!) and the green fabric bled all over everything. This was the same week I had to call to have the propane filled for the second time, to heat the house that I picked. That was after I had told my dad it was safe to visit, when it wasn't. It's just all been a bit much- I cried a little.
- I also got to talk to my brother (who's in Guatemala) on Christmas day. I think I've been in denial. I've been trying to pretend like he's just not around when I've been visiting my parents. But after talking to him, I realized how much I truly miss him and how much it sucks that he's gone. That kid has meant so much to me in my life, and I've just taken for granted him being around (plus, I really am not a fan of where he is in Guatemala- way too close to Mexico if you ask me, and I have very strong feelings against Mexico) When I had to say good bye (my dad was footing the bill for the phone call and was being a bit of a phone nazi- just kidding dad!) I broke. I cried a lot that day- I'm crying now. I know its totally selfish, but I want him back. Seventeen months, and counting (I think!)
Well, I think that's been the most of it. I'm sure there's more, but likely my subconscious is blocking it out for me! haha! Sorry the pictures are a little lacking, Cole hasn't been doing near all the cute stuff he used to, now he just says funny/cute things (those will have to come later.) I'm totally blaming my little eczema issue on most of these things. Abe said it was just due to getting old (I instantly felt five more spots pop up!) Fortunately, I'm all better and hope to stay that way- especially since we have our first weekend away planned since before I got pregnant with Cole. Vegas baby! Although, I'm getting a little anxious at the thought of leaving Cole...and going that whole long distance......
I might need help.